Job Application Workshop

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Session Plan - Job Applications


Projected Time

45 minutes - 1 hour

  • 20 minutes for Lesson Walkthrough

  • 35 minutes for Guided Practice




Aim (Describe the changes you are trying to achieve with the session)

  • To help trainees learn about the steps in the job search process

  • To guide trainees on how to find companies and roles that right for them

  • To support trainees in reading and dissecting a job advert


Objectives (How you are going to do this -the activity)‌

Through the use of a presentation and group discussion

Outcomes (The changes you will have caused due to the project)

  • Trainees know about the steps to take when apply for a job

  • Trainees know how to research companies and find appropriate roles to apply

  • Trainees know how to read a job advert and find the relevant information in order to craft an appropriate application


Specific Things to Learn


  • Understand how to read and analyse a job advert

  • Know the function of each part of the job advert




Teaching notes and walkthrough

Slides 2

Intro the session and discuss the session objectives.

Slides 3- 4

When you are ready to apply for jobs there is a cycle you will go through for each job.

If you do this process you won't have to apply for hundreds of unsuitable jobs. You will be more strategic and apply for fewer jobs but have a better chance of success.

Searching for jobs that are the right fit for you - Last PD day you learned about the wide variety of tech jobs. Not all of them are developer roles.

You should have researched and have some idea of the types of jobs you want to go for after the course.

Rearching companies

Taking apart the job advert and really understanding the role

Making a CV that fits just this job

Letting us know at CYF what job and company you want to apply. So we can help you get your foot in the door. We will go to them and apply on your behalf.

Preparing for interviews with your Career Mentor

Asking for feedback after your interview can help you see what they see about you

Waiting for an answer! Don’t waste your time- keep applying and interviewing. You never know what role will be the best for you.

Slides 5-6 The company

Do your research on the company. Learn about them and connect with their employees who have the job you are currently looking at. Find out from them what it is really like. So you can answer for yourself if you would want to do this job for this company?

Slides 7-9 The Role

Discussion on what the 'About us', 'Qualifications' and 'Responsibilities parts of the job advert does and how they use that information

Do you understand the role. Do you know what they are asking for? What does this company need? What can you help them with?

Slide 10 Activity (15 mins) What is the company?

In small groups read the following ‘About Us’ document an answer the following:

  1. What is interesting about this company?

  2. What do you want to know more about?

  3. What kind of working environment do you think they have?

  4. Do you think this company would be a good fit for you in culture and values?

  5. Why or why not?

Sample About Us Doc:

Have the groups feed back to the larger group on their answers.

Slide 11 Activity (20 mins)- What is the role?

Divide into small groups and randomly assign either job role A or job role B to the group to read and analyze.

They have 15 mins to think about the following questions:

  1. Do you understand all the responsibilities required for this role?

  2. Do you think you would enjoy this work?

  3. Do you have past experiences that match what they are looking for?

Then as a group, present a summary what the job is to the larger group: (*If you have 2 or 3 groups doing each of the job specs then each group can present on one of the summary questions)

What do you have to do?

What do you have to know?

What do you have to show?

Job Spec Company A:

Job Spec Company B:

Slides 12-13 Make Your CV Relevant

Discuss the function of a CV. How it is made to answer the specific job advert. That they need to make a new CV for each job they apply for.

When describing your work experience on your CV, always focus on the skillsets and behaviours you have demonstrated or gained.

Slides 14- 15 Cv's Show, don’t tell

Many people make the mistake of just listing technologies or languages or skills they have without explaining how they have used them in the past.

Tell the story of what you did in your project or team. Ideally, include the measurable outcomes of the work you did.

Who did your work help?

What problems did it solve?

Slides 16 Recap

Recap the steps to the job application cycle.

Address the common mistakes/ misconception

Allow time for discussion

Common Mistakes / Misconceptions

  1. I don’t care what job I get, I just need a job.

  2. This job application cycle will take too much time. I don’t have the time to look for a job this way.

  3. Why do I need a different CV for every job if I’m just applying for a front end junior developer role?

  4. I didn’t spend all this time learning to code to not be able to get a job at the end.


Guided Practice

See Session plan - activities are embedded

Independent Practice

CV writing workbook

Start crafting your CV by going through this CV workbook.

‌Most people do not have a good CV the 1st time around. This workbook will break down what you need to think about in order to create a good CV. You will need to have your draft CV ready for review with you Career mentor when you meet after the next Employability Day.

Challenge or Additional resources


Put the links to the materials you referenced in the lesson

Give activities they could do to deepen their understanding

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